Getting Started Articles

The Illinois Affiliate
The mission and purpose of Illinois Destination Imagination is to provide Illinois with a fun creative problem solving environment centered on the learning of creativity, teamwork, and problem solving. Objectives The objectives of ILDI shall be to: 1. Promote creativity and creative problem solving skills. 2. Conduct activities such as tournaments, program enhancement sessions, training, […]
What We Do
Destination Imagination, Inc. is a leading educational nonprofit dedicated to teaching students the skills needed to succeed in school, their careers and beyond. We develop project-based learning programs that blend STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) education with the arts and social entrepreneurship. Illinois Destination Imagination (DI) does not form the teams. Parents, Schools, […]
2024-2025 Team Challenge Previews
The information provided is a synopsis of each Challenge. It is designed to help your team decide which Challenge you would like to solve. Your team MUST purchase, download, and read the full Challenge and Rules of the Road from the Resource Area in order to solve the Challenge successfully. Your team is strongly encouraged to read and use […]
Start A Team
Choose from seven engaging Challenges in STEAM education: Technical, Scientific, Fine Arts, Improvisational, Engineering, Service Learning and Early Learning. All of our Challenges are open-ended and enable students to learn and experience the creative process while fostering their creativity, curiosity and courage. To find out more click on the link:
Why Do DI
We are committed to providing innovative 21st century programming that will help prepare students for success in school, their careers and life. Our Children need Creativity NOW Feeling anxious about school with the chaos and unpredictability of pandemic life? You’re not alone—and for kids, it’s worse. With so much unknown, how can you help […]